Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation - Who would be the audience for your media product?

James is a 17 year old boy from East London he owns a PS3 and is in love with video games. His two favourite games are fifa 11 and Call of Duty. James is a typical old lad and also a smooth ladies man, he loves to go to the cinema with his friends or any lucky he manages to lure into his 'Cinema trap'. He is slightly technical owns both a  Blackberry and and I phone 3G, a Dell laptop and a few consoles.

James loves to play football on the weekend with friends at a local park were he feels he is the next Cristiano Ronaldo. He also goes to college and studies BTEC  P.E which he feels hes going to pass with ease as he is such a confident teen. James is also a fashion freak and if he does not have the latest accessories like earrings scarfs, hats and watches he will be a very unhappy male. denz by johnwaynevvv

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