Wednesday 30 March 2011

Evaluations-In what ways does media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


As you can see the first object we lay our eyes on is the ident. The other side uses Candi studios which is a low budget company and is funded by the government. Screen gems is a high budget worldwide company which has produced so many high budget films such as 'Stomp The Yard' and 'Resident Evil'.


Secondly you almost definitely see the production company which in our case it is a independent company called 'GROUP 21' founded by myself and other members of the group. Then we have again the high budget company Screen Gems.

                                                                     ROUND 3)          

We then see the in both film opening  a body part of the main character in 'The Stepfather this is Dylan Walsh a experienced actor from L.A being in another 15 films and Denzel an amazing aspiring actor from Islington.


In both fims we then see another body part of the main character then the title written on or next to a piece of mis en scene. This slowly gets the audience into the film and gets them ready for the main action.


We then see the name of the co-actors in 'The Stepfathers' case it is alongside his face, what I have noticed throughout is that in 'The Stepfather' the writing never or rarely gets in the way of the character its either beside him or in-between which I feel is effective because it never gets in the way of any action that is happening, so we tried to follow that fashion but we never applied to every section of the title sequence. 


The music supervisors are vital to both opening as in ours without the music there is no suspense and it would be try, so I feel it brings alot of life to our title sequence. In 'The Stepfather' the music also builds up tension as we think hes a nice guy we later find out his real plan which I felt was really effective.


'The Stepfather' shows the production company which is a high budget company called 'GRANADA' who are well known and also produce British television 'ITV'. It shows the directors name in our case as they are also vital in putting input into the film deciding the camera shots that will be taken.


We then start getting into the main pieces of action.Similarly in both openings you see a change of identity, the colour of eyes. In 'The Other Side' the eyes go from a piercing light green to a dark brown which catches the attention of the audience immediately. In 'The Stepfather' you see the eyes change from a light hazel to a dark blue which shows his change in identity which we find out later why he does this.


EVALUATION Representation



2) Evaluation: How does your media product represent particular social groups

Red Dawn
black man about to get shot
Red Dawn
the black man dies first

Drinking Something something bad

Moments before The character dies

How are these two characters represented 

Similarities: They are both black 
                    They both die first 
                    Both good people but still die 

Differences: Hollywood makes the man die from gun shots to his chest
                    We make him die from drugging him 
                     They both die in different circumstances. 

Evaluation: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge foms and conventions of real media products?

The first we see in movies is the ident. Ident identifies the budget of the film or what genre the film will be

Candi Studios identifies this will be a low budget thriller

Screen Gems identifies this will be a high budget thriller

There is usually an order for the title sequence of a film. It goes a little like this:

 Firstly Production Company

 Secondly Name of the Main Character

Title of Film

Name of other Actors

Name of Music Supervisor

Name of Editor

Name Of Director

The Stepfather have the name of the Director at the beginning

Close Up's identify the main character and create suspense

Shot of a dead/dieing  person dieing identities the thriller theme

There is also intertextuality in our thriller. The all white bathroom has been used many times in different thriller.

Evaluation - How does your media product represent particular social groups




In our opening our character is presented both stereotypically and non-stereotypically.  Stereotypically the big black male is the killer which I felt we put a twist on that because of the clothing. Normally in thrillers the killer is dressed in all black,baggy hooded clothes but in ours there is a strong twist and the killer is dressed in all white which makes him seem innocent as the colour white connotes purity and happiness. Linking back to stereotyping in films such as 'XXX' Ice Cube a 'big black gangsta' is a killer working against the police. I do not think there is any other film like ours as I've watched watched so many thrillers and none have the all white wardrobe although i have seen a all white bathroom in 'Psycho' which is were we got our initial idea from but we wanted to carry on that white effect that was why the character was dressed in all white.

EVALUATION Forms and Conventions

In what ways do our thriller use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of actual thrillers.

Like most films, our thriller includes a production company ident at the beginning.

This is an example of another Touchstone pictures ident at the beginning of the thriller film, 'The Prestige'  by Christopher Nolan.

Although idents are consistent throughout films. Production companies can choose to change them depending on the genre of film, this helps the audience to understand what to expect from the film. for example in 'The Other Side' the ident of CandiStudios the font and its effects are  . . .  the colours used are red,black and white which connotes that the film is going to be thrilling,lastly the music helps add to ......
Below is our company ident


1) Evaluation: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

Our Ident(Low Budget College Production)
Professional Ident (A big company)

A Film By Tony Scott
(Taking Of Phelem 123)

A Film by Group 21
(The Other Side)

One Of The Main Characters
(Taking Of Phelem 123)

Another Main Character
(Taking Of Phelem 123)

The Main Character
(The Other Side)

Another Character
(The Other Side)

Then The Name Of The Thriller
(Taking Of Phelem 123)

After Our Names Then Came Our Title
(The Other Side)

Then Came The Name Of The Editor
(Taking Of Phelem 123)

Then Our Editor
(The Other Side)

Then Came The Music By
(Taking Of Phelem 123)

Then Came Our Music
(The Other Side)